Payments and Security

Our website utilizes HTTPS protocol, ensuring the encryption of all data transmitted between your web browser and our site using the latest TLS protocols.
No payment transactions are processed on or pass through our servers. Instead, all payment processing is carried out directly on the secure servers of the payment processing companies.

We take the privacy of your payment information seriously and do not collect, store, or access any of your private payment data on our servers or through our IT staff and equipment.
  • All major credit cards
  • Paypal
  • Bank Transfer
  • Wallet Points: Earn 1% of your order value in the form of points for every purchase made on our site, which can be accumulated and used at your convenience with no expiration date.
Not accepted
Cash On Delivery (C.O.D.)
Deferred Payments (however, special arrangements may be discussed for customers with a high sustained monthly sales volume)